You're Winner!

What is You're Winner!?


Phrase used in Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing. Used in Internet-speak as a sarcastic congratulation.


The game was developed in Russia, and hastily released on the PC. It is one of the worst games ever made on the PC. Netjak gave it a 0 out of 10 in every category.

Upon completion of the race (In version 1.0 the opposing truck would never move.) and the phrase "You're Winner!" along with a mysterious 3-handled trophy appear on-screen to let you know that, you are the winner.

"I tied my shoes today!"

"Really? You're Winner!"


A popular phrase that originates from BIG RIGS: OVER THE ROAD RACING. Another form of it can be used as an adjective: WINNER.

1: Wow! This game, BIG RIGS: OVER THE ROAD RACING, is so WINNER! With its WINNER graphics, physics, soundtrack, difficulty, and gameplay!


See big, rigs, over, the, road, racing


1) Derives from the horrible, horrible PC game, Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing, quite possibly the worst game ever created. When you won (which was every race), a 3 handled golden trophy would come up along with huge lettering "YOU'RE WINNER!". When you raced again, the term wouyld come up, even though you didn't win yet.

2) Used as sarcasm

1) Big Rigs: Off the Road Racing sucks

2) Guy 1: "So I knocked up this underaged girl the other day."

Guy 2: "Wow. YOU'RE WINNER!"


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