
What is Yucaipa?


a shithole town located in the inland empire right next to san bernadino. a small town made up of wiggers, and emo kids with nothing better to do then dirt bike, and smoke crystale meth. Dont let the pretty mountains fool you, yucaipa is a shit hole. fuck yucaipa, and fuck the inland empire if you wanna go to california dont waste your time by going to this god for saken place and go to orange county, or L.A.

yucaipa kid #1: Dude we are so rad, it is so rad we live in southern California!

yucaipa kid#2: yeah it is, hey the liquor store just got robbed wanna go smoke some more meth and then hang out at the rad new Mcdonolds for 4 hours?

yucaipa kid#1: yeah dude for shure and then lets go to the rad new starbucks! man this town is growing, the kids from "the O.C" have nothing on us!

yucaipa kid #2: alright dawg sounds tight for shizzel!

See ghetto, boring, shitty


A crappy little city between Los Angeles and Palm Springs that most people have never heard of, though anyone that has ever driven on the I-10 in California has probably stopped there to get gas and take a shit.

Inhabited by bros and the kind of people you see at Wal-Mart. Its only redeeming quality is that it's a bastion of Republican support.

"Have you ever heard of Yucaipa?"

"Ummm... let me think... oh I think I stopped there once to take a dump on my way to Coachella."

See bros, walmart, white trash


people here just smoke alot of pot...because they have nothing better to do.

its known for it's tweakers, too.

has some bad ass parties.

kid 1: do u know what yucaipa is?

kid 2: hell yeah...its a populated city full of bros and bro hoes. they can throw some bad ass parties there too.

kid 1: is it true that most people there smoke pot?

kid 2: hell yeah...everyone smokes pot there. this city is chill as FUCK!! FUCK THE HATERS OF YUCAIPA!!!

See bros, tweaker, stoners, homies


bronation!!! its a pretty shitty town where bros think they are the shit but they are not!! they are all little bitches and act like hard asses!!! it would be an alright town if there was more to do but there isnt shit to do sooo... but watch out for the gay mother fucking bros that think they are the shit with their big lifted trucks and what not!! they talk shit but dont really back it up!!

yucaipa is a crappy bro town!! the bros also think they are the shit at dirtbiking!

bro: hit me pussy!!!

kid: OK! (punch)

bro: o hell no im gonna beat ur ass!

kid: (beats the shit out of him)

bro: little faggot u better watch ur back!

kid: ok! what are u gonna do u cant back shit up!!

bro: (drives away in his lifetd truck)

bros have lifted trucks because the feel insicre about themselves and think tht haveing a lifted truck will help tht haha but it doesnt!! they think it makes them tuougher but they arent!! and they think they are cool cause they live in yucaipa.

See bro, lifted, dirtbiking, yucaipa


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