What is Yuna?
A character in Final Fantasy X and the greed induced spin-off X-2. She, of course, does not exist, yet is still beloved by lonely chronic masturbators/fan boys without ready access to real pornography all over the world.
The presence of Yuna in the unnecessary and poorly designed sequel caused millions of acne ridden fan boys to purchase the game.
A character from the Final Fantasy series, very beautiful and intelligent.
She is willing to die to save the world, that's how incredible she is.
High Summoner Yuna, she will be the one to bring the eternal calm.
A central character of both Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2 (also makes a cameo in Kingdom Hearts 2). She lived as a Summoner on Besaid, then left with Tidus, along with her other Guardians, including Lulu, Rikku, Kimahri, and Auron and eventually initiated the Final Summoning to banish Sin. Normally, a summoner doesn't survive this, but Tidus was killed in her place. Also, Sin is not banished for the normal 10-year period know as a "Calm", but is banished forever, making Yuna famous as the High Summoner who brought about the "Eternal Calm". In the next installment, Yuna is a Gunner with Rikku and Paine as part of the Gullwings. She is troubled by Tidus and refuses to believe he is dead. In KH2 she is a Heartless spy for Maleficent and eventually gives you the Gullwing keyblade.
Yuna (after changing to Gunner dressphere): Resistance is futile!
A summoner in FFX.
A sphere hunter in FF10-2.
One of the coolest people ever.
I love her chlothes and Tidus is damn fine. She is a lucky lady
Tidus and Yuna = True love 4 ever
a beautiful girl simple and plain as that
if she was real she would be the most beautiful girl in the world
need no example just look at her