
What is Zackass?


Zackass: an internet troll whose opinions are always more equal than others; one who will put you down because he has 'served his country' and believes that you have not; one who will never admit he is wrong, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary

just because your opinion differs from mine does not make it better, or more valid; stop being a Zackass

See troll, egomaniac, jackass, stubborn


Having extreme qualities of what it is to be a jackass, or something close to it. If someone around you is fucking around and acting like a dumbass, refer to him as a 'zackass'.

'When we were washing cars for a school fundraiser last weekend, I told Zack to go and get the towels, so he decides to dance on them. *facepalm* what a zackass.'

See dumbass, jackass, jerk, your mom, manwhore


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