What is Zackro?
Top iRo player 2007 8/10 Ranked. Despite playing for so long he has not reached a trans on any character. He hails from iRO loki but migrated to iRO Chaos in the early spring, while retaining a certain aspect of loki his current sader among teh many he has made is by far a rarely seen build, he embodies all of what it means to be a sader....and a smartass making phrases like "Yo joder tu Madre" to many people and even asking for beer in pvp in 3 different languages.
A generic term for Saders/pally's that follow a term for unknown/rare builds and just dont care to conform.
iRO GM24: Is there anyone who helped you achieve this rank?
Zackro: Yes more then a few, Among them being every guild ive ever been in!