
What is Zeene?


1) abbr. Common slang for red-eye relief drops Visine. Commonly used by stoners after smoking marijuana. Useful before before dealing with things such as class, job interviews, and parents.

1 "Hey man, I got history in 10 minutes, you got any zeene?"

2 "Dude, are my eyes good, or should I zeene it?"

See visine, marijuana, stoner, pot, smoke


1) abbr. Common slang for red-eye relief drops Visine. Commonly used by stoners after smoking marijuana. Useful before dealing with things such as class, job interviews, and parents.

1 "Hey man, I got history in 10 minutes, you got any zeene?"

2 "Dude, are my eyes good, or should I zeene it?"

See visine, marijuana, stoner, pot, weed


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