
What is Zenning?


v. to sexually stimulate a female partner by moving one's thumb up and down over her clitoris, similar to the motion used in operating a Creative Zen mp3 player.

Dude, I was Zenning on Joe's mom last night, right after she gave me a blumpkin, and she went insane.

See ipodding, blumpkin, salty pirate, creative zen


Zenning (or Zen-travel) is a form of transportation, often used by people looking for something that they know is near their current position, or people who want to waste alot of time.

Zenning is a simple transportation, seeing it can be used in a vehicle or on foot. It is finding someone who looks like they know where they are going, and then following them. This usually does not work, and is mainly used as a last option.

"sup, what were u doin all of yesterday? i saw u hangin round wif dose chicks from St Pauls?"

"oh i was zenning, u shud try it sometime!"

See zen, transportation, travel


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