
What is Zevonist?


One who follows the beliefs of Zevonism, the belief that Warren Zevon is God and that, quoting from the Zevonist bible, "Shit's all fucked up right now, but when Zevon dies, it's all going to get un-fucked up, cause Zevon's gonna be back in his domain and shit to rule shit... shit."

The center of this religion is a small house on Long Island that all Zevonists refer to as the Monestary. Actually, the only person who refers to it as the monestary is the guy who lives there. This is in part due to the fact that he is the only person who practices Zevonism in the world. He hopes to spread his beliefs to others, but no one listens to him because he's a crazy dumbass.

"You know that Zevonist guy?"

"Yeah, he's a crazy dumbass."


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