
What is Zhanga?


This may refer to one of two big time farmers. One of them has no eyes and has to rely on his smooth skin and spiny fingers to feel around the field, "accidentally" feeling up other people on the way. The other is his cousin, a big time farmer who likes doing MMO quests and "accidentally" kicking people in the nuts when he doesn't get his daily cheese.

They are known to often plan raids together on other guild castles in their free time as well as exchanging their favourite hobbies, kicking in the balls and taking it in the balls, though zhanga number one can never see it coming.

"Oh shit, it's Zhanga!"

See zhanga, zhang, farmer, leo


This may refer to one of two big time farmers. One of them has no eyes and has to rely on his smooth skin and spiny fingers to feel around the field, "accidentally" feeling up other people on the way. The other is his cousin, a big time farmer who likes doing MMO quests and "accidentally" kicking people in the nuts when he doesn't get his daily cheese.

They are known to often plan raids together on other guild castles in their free time as well as exchanging their favourite hobbies, kicking in the balls and taking it in the balls, though zhanga number one can never see it coming.

"Oh shit, it's Zhanga!"

See zhanga, zhang, leo, farmer


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