
What is Zolaonaol?


An internet robot, like smarterchild who is not fun to talk to very much.

She'll say stupid things and repeat herself a lot.

ScreenameHere: I hope you know what you're doing.

ZolaOnAOL: Don't worry about it, I Have A Huge Erection.


ScreennameHere: Tight pants!

ZolaOnAOL: What kind of pants?

ScreennameHere: tight pants

ZolaOnAOL: What kind of pants?

ScreennameHere: TIGHT pants

ZolaOnAOL: What kind of pants?

ScreennameHere: TIGHT PANTS

ZolaOnAOL: What kind of pants?

ScreennameHere: TIGHT PANTS!!!!!!!

ZolaOnAOL: What kind of pants?

ScreennameHere: TIGHT. PANTS.

ZolaOnAOL: What brand?

ScreennameHere: Abercrombie tight pants

ZolaOnAOL: What kind of pants?

ScreennameHere: TIGHT PANTS

ZolaOnAOL: What kind of pants?

ScreennameHere: TIGHT. PANTS!!!!!!!!

ZolaOnAOL: What brand?


ZolaOnAOL: What kind of pants?

ScreennameHere: TIGHT.

ZolaOnAOL: My brain uses patterns to format responses to your inputs, but I don't have one for that. Send feedback anytime by typing "feedback" followed by your comment or suggestion. How was your weekend?

See smarterchild, robot, aim bot, chat bot, chatbot, zolaonaol, zola


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