
What is Zoltan?


a phrase and hand gesture used by the geeks in bubble wrap in the movie "Dude Wheres My Car"

I love when we do the zoltan gesture.

See Ohman


1) zoltan is a mythical person that is everyones best mate however no known actual sighting has ever been confirmed

2) zoltan is a term loosely used to describe a random, unforeseen event or comment on a hilarity or precarious situation.

jaysar bank zoltan glory

See muztek


straight, really cool, ballin

-Andrew is a little bitch

-I know seriously, fool can't get a girl

-Actually I think hes gay


See baller, ballin, straight, cool, nice


an act, story, gesture that is deemed uncool. Also, a tally of said acts, stories, gestures. If one person recieves five in 24 hours, they must go home, no matter where they are.

"So I went down to the store, and tooootally bought 2 gallons of milk. That's so much milk, right?"

"Dude, zoltan. That's five, you have to go home."

"But we're on a bus!"

"Doesn't matter, get off, and go home"

See lame, gay, story, zolten


a word used to expresses or state the action of farting

joe, "ZOLTAN!!" jim, "dude u suck, o it smells"

jim, "dude i totaly zoltaned back in the hallway," jim,"i thought i smelled something"


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