
What is Zombocom?


Anything is possible at ZOMBOCOM.

At ZOMBOCOM, the only limit is yourself.

See zombocom, zombo, anything, is, limit


Ass hole who types as loud as fucking possible, always breathes his ass-breath into the microphone on skype calls, plays unamplified electric guitar like an emo-fag who can't afford an acoustic, and randomly clears channels while fisting his own ass. ZOMBOCOM = epic fail.

If someone fucks up an epic win, it is definitely ZOMBOCOM's fault.


See zombocom, always, and, sucks, ass


Ass hole who types as loud as fucking possible, always breathes his ass-breath into the microphone on skype calls, and plays unamplified electric guitar like an emo-fag who can't afford an acoustic. ZOMBOCOM = epic fail.

If someone fucks up an epic win, it is definitely ZOMBOCOM's fault.


See zombocom, skype, prank, pedophile, failure


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