
What is Zoolandering?


A repeated process of checking yourself out in the mirror and making sure you look hot at every possible angle, all while pouting your lips together to form one of Derrek Zoolander's facial looks (i.e. Blue Steel or Magnum).

J.R. needs to stop zoolandering himself all day long because his attention has been sidetracted away from Robyn.

See zoolander, j.r., vanity


A repeated process of checking yourself out in the mirror and making sure you look hot at every possible angle, all while pouting your lips together to form one of Derrek Zoolander's facial looks (i.e. Le Tigra, Blue Steel, or Magnum).

J.R. needs to stop zoolandering himself all day long because his attention has been sidetracted away from Robyn.

See zoolander, j.r., vanity


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