
What is Zooted?


being so f*cking high/drunk the only words you can say are nigga im zooted..

refer to top

See tom


to be just so fucked up that ur brain is completely unfunctional for a certain period of time.

Nigga im so zooted right....now...uhhh

See zoot, high, drunk, blown, zooted


when you smoke so much weed you are beyond the point of stoned and the possibilty of vomiting is very real

Ohhhh shit, I shouldn't have taken that last bong Rip! I'm sooo fuckin' Zooted!


1. To be so f*cked up beyond belief.

2. Very intoxicated/high.

3. To feel very good because the side-effects of certain substances.

-I was so zooted last night I dont remember doing that fat chick.

-That blunt got me so zooted.

See zooted, zoot, alcohol, high, intoxicated


to smoke weed to the point of being way past complety stoned

jacob, i'm zooted man..


In Other Words Im Mad HIGH.

You Zooted? Hell Yea Nigga.

See high, buzzed, blazed, twisted, lifted


When you smoke marijuana and you are high as a mo'fcka.

Damn dog, I just smoked this blunt and im completely zooted.

See Big Perm


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