
What is Afreen?


they are BEAUTIFUL!!!! and SMART!!!

there is no one as fabulous and as bright as them

they HOT & BLAZING like summers in india!

also they ace everything they do and are the best

she's so sexyy & exotic, she must be an afreen

See hot, sexy, exotic, smart, crazy


they are BEAUTIFUL!!!! and SMART!!!

there is no one as fabulous and as bright as them

they HOT & BLAZING like summers in india!

also they ace everything they do and are the best

she's so sexyy & exotic, she must be an afreen

See hot, sexy, smart, exotic, crazy


An afreen is a person who is extremly slow. It is hard to be an afreen because, they have to be clueless to all their surroundings. Afreen's tend to be gorgeous also. But most dumb girls are pretty.

"that girl is stupider than a haystack, she's an afreen"

See stupid, dumb, annoying, afreen, retard


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