
What is Afterbirth?


n. The combination of amniotic fluid, blood, placenta giblits, and vaginal secretions that pour from the vagina immediately after the birth of a child. Visually, Afterbirth resembles a watered down mixture of Applesauce, Ketchup, and Mustard. Modern myth suggests that Afterbirth gives special properties and or magic powers if consumed, but this is purely speculation.

Unfounded claims concerning Afterbirth:

1. One of KFC's the 12 secret herbs and spices.

2. The secret to Dick Clark's youthful appearence.

3. The real reason John F. Kennedy was shot.

4. Found in all varities of Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream.

5. What George Lucas really spends all his money on.

See also: chunky beef stew

Sebastian fell to his knees, rolled out his tongue like a dog, and began laping up his wife's precious Afterbirth from the hospital floor.

See chunky beef stew, smarm, slime, lady juice


A dry, medium-sized fart that is expelled minutes after taking a shit.

Having finished his bowel movement, Sebastian rejoined the party. Minutes later, he let out a smelly, good sounding fart. He told everyone, "It's just some afterbirth."

See fart, shit, dump, healthy, restroom, The Stain


The brown, mucusy, corn-filled sputum that drips out your ass after your done taking a big, healthy, solid dump.

Hey Mike, did you clean up your messy afterbirth after you took your morning shit?

See ass juice


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