
What is Agua?


Literally means "Water" in spanish. But it's a word Latinos use for when cops are spotted.

Some Latinos are doing a dope deal and then someone yells "Agua!" and everyone legs it.

See leg it, run, escape, pigs, street, calle


Means "water" in spanish, but also latinos use it to call crank/crystal meth, "agua"...

Ey got anymore of that "agua"?

See water, crank, crystal, meth, agua


Spanish word for " water ". Could be used to say gestures such as " oh ya !" , " WHADDUP!" or if used in sports " GOOOOOOOAAALL"

Jon- Nice goal Johnson !

Johnson- AGUA !


As Romero enters the party

Romero--> Whats up everyone ! AGUA !


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