What is Al Pacino's?
ALPINE CHINOS: fashionable style of clothing favoured by upwardly mobile gentlemen in the Swiss Alps .
"Hiram , ya stoopid old coot *!" Mrs Blumenthal affectionately addressed her husband, "you can't go climbing the Matter horn in those Bermuda shorts and thongs ."
"That's the kind of inappropriate behaviour that made the Bush es a laughing stock in Europe ," she continued. "You're 69 years old and ya ain't no Slipperman ! Now, change into your AL PACINO'S forthwith . And wear the Robert De Niro rubber -soled boots that you used for the Grand Canyon last year - they'll give you a good, hard grip on the sides of the crevasse ."
"Aw shucks , Bernice , do I have to?" grumbled the recalcitrant Arkansaurus , who was beginning to wish that he'd never left the familiar comfort-zone of his rabbit ranch in Urban Flats**.
"Ya surely do, honey," his resolute spouse retorted, "or there won't be no more family reunion s for you this vacation."
"Is that a threat or a promise?" the Arkan sausage rebel muttered under his breath, just out of earshot of the formidable lady who had been voted Miss Heiferlump by her classmates at Vassar in 1961 ***.
(*"c**t" is what Mrs B actually said)
(**Hometown of Arkansas award winning author Byron Platts)
(***In that same year, she also produced a much-admired BASTURD )
See swiss , alps , family pack , apt , equipment , way to go , rock climbing , munro , mount , mount and dew , sherpa , yodel in the valley , under-vertigo , asterisk , xlimbing , upwardly mobile , the american way , large and in charge , mountain , slipperman , mountain man , log cabin , quern , upping , godfather , parts , 123 , Persson
"That's the kind of
"Ya surely do, honey," his resolute
"Is that a threat or a promise?" the Arkan
(*"c**t" is what Mrs B actually said)
(***In that same year, she also produced a much-admired