
What is Already?


Houston, TX's gangsta resident way to say 'Fo Sho' or 'Yeah'.

- You gotta hit this club with us mayne

- Already


Short for "you already know." Used in Texas slang, it's an affirmation.

Pronounced: "aw reddy"

--That cat who said "already" ain't no word is buggin.


See you already know, early, f'sho, word


In agreement of the conversated context

Ima get 22's on the Expedition...

Already cuz!


A word that started in Dallas meaning;

"Thats right"

"That was tight"

"Good job"

You going to Beach Party? "Already"!!!!!!!

"Already", I just finshed my report.

See good, okay, fa sho, yes, right


A way of agreement and/or a goodbye

Example 1

-A! nigga you leanin'?


See all ready, aight, yes


Already (all-ready), i got you; forget about it; it's done; you got it; for real; you know it;

"Say man, did you file for ya income tax yet?"


"For real, when you get that done?"

"Like the day before yesterday"

See yeah, fa sho, yes, uh-huh, yep


a form of good-bye or see you later

We bouncin cuz...already


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