
What is Alt?


In MMPORGS like MUDs, a reference to a player's supplementary--thus "alternative"--avatar/character. Not the player's primary character but one used for blowing off steam, avoiding a primary character's responsibilities, or exacting anonymous revenge on a player-character you dislike.

I logged on with my alt after PKing him cuz I didn't want him to gank me.


1. In music, short for Alternative.

2. In RPG, short for Alternate ID.

3. In MPD, short for alter or persona.

4. In keyboarding, the Alt key, located just to the left of the space bar.

5. In HTML, the alternative text attribute of the img tag.

1. I don't care for Alt Music.

2. My Alt is Downstrike.

3. I tried to list my alts once, but I lost count at 44.

4. The reason you don't see Alt is it's hidden under your left hand.

5. There's no such thing as an "alt tag". Alt is an attribute of the img tag.

See alt, rpg, mpd, keyboarding, music, html, tag, attribute


An abreviation for the word "Alternative" meaning the type of music.

Kait's favorite music is alt-rock.


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