America's Army

What is America's Army?


A game idea based on the US army to recruit noobs into the military.

Just because you can snipe someone on the screen doesn't mean that you won't get your ass beat by some towelhead in the middle east with an RPG.

The day where we can use a mouse and keyboard to shoot someone, America will truly kick some ass.


This game is tight. It is free, has incredible graphics (for being free), and is hours and hours of shoot-em-up fun.

Anyone who bitches about it being "corrupt government propaganda" or some bullshit should probably chill out. The game was obviously made as a recruiting tool, but that doesn't stop it from being one of the best FPS out there.

Anyone who bitches about it being not realistic in EVERY WAY POSSIBLE: that's because real war isn't fun. You don't develop a game to be not fun, nobody will play it. (key word here is GAME)

omg our courupt goverment made a propaganda gaem 2 get inocent children to wnat to join teh army and die! boycott americaz armie!!1

Yeah let's boycott a free game, good plan dumbass.


Awsome tactical FPS made by the U.S. Army.

Easily the best free game available today, America's Army is based on realism. Despite cries of, "propaganda, propaganda!" (see stupidly long definition at he bottom of the page). Most AA players are in it for fun.... and this it delivers effectively.

It is easy to die in AA, ususally 3 or fewer hits is enough to end your game, and once you're dead, you dont come back until the next round. This forces players to play with their brain and work as a team, much like the real army must do to stay alive in the field.

Weapons are modelled realisticly in looks, sound, and the way they behave. The gunshots are actually recorded from the shooting range, and the reloading animations are accurate to a T.

The most interesting feature of America's Army is the way the teams are set up; there is no "terroists versus U.S.". Instead both teams see themselves and their teammates as US soldiers with US weapons. And will see the enemy as Terrorists with Russian made firearms. The oppsing team will see the exact opposite.

America's Army's graphics are nothing special, but there are no major complaints, as long as you have decent graphics hardware.

"You guys up for Some Amerca's Army tonight?"

"HUA! I just finished downloading America's Army"


A FPS created by the U.S. Army as a recruiting tool. It is 100% free and 100% realistic. Includes an anti-cheat program called Punkbuster. Updates are one or twice a year.

Wanna frag it up in AA?


I pay tax dollars for this!! Oh well. Its a fun game and its free (sort of). People piss and moan about the graphics but c'mon its a free game dont expect it to be something from DOOM 3 or F.E.A.R.. They also complain that it shows a biased view of the Army. Well of course they will its a recruitment tool retards. Just because it doesnt show all the blood, gore, screaming and innocent children suffering doesn't mean it shows only the Army as a good thing. After all, the game designers are not retards, if they show this kind of stuff it will defeat the purpose of the game. Just because it is designed to recruit people doesn't mean you have to join the army. Just enjoy one the best free games out there and stop your bitching.

Gee, America wastes our tax money on ICBM nukes will never use, well-fare for lazy asses who won't get a job, and America's Army to attempt to recruit computer nerds into the Army. What a country we live in!

See freeware, tax, fps, army, Gatman


A free first person shooter game, good graphics, good game-play.

what's your honor in AA (America's army)?

See army, aa, first, person, shooter


A FPS made by the U.S. Military to give people a virtual experience of being in the battlefield. Consists of big noobs who always shoot their teammates in the Special Forces missions, and consists of expert gamers who know what their doing and can pwn. Users can modify their M4A1 rifle with scopes, bipods for sniping, grenade launchers for heavy assault, and with silencers for silent kills. Free, good graphics, good physics. Speaking of which, the developers have added rag doll physics to the game making it more realistic, the rag dolls are very light, meaning they can fly sky high when blown up by a RPG or grenade. Somewhat associated with weed.

America's Army really makes me want to join the military!

See good game, america's army, army


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