What is Amy Winehands?
Very similar to its malt liquor counterpart, Edward Fortyhands, this drinking game is played by affixing one bottle of wine to each hand with tape, glue, or, for the biblically-devoted, nails. Players are encouraged to use different varieties of wine and subsequently attempt Amy Winehouse-style histrionic, reckless behavior. As in the other game, players may not remove the bottles until the wine is completely consumed. Cheating results in dire consequences.
Chris: "What drinking game should we play considering all we have is wine and we're way too hardcore for malt liquor?"
Artie: "Amy Winehands, cunt!"
Very similar to its malt liquor counterpart,
Chris: "What drinking game should we play considering all we have is wine and we're way too hardcore for malt liquor?"
Artie: "Amy Winehands, cunt!"