
What is Andria?


A surreptitiously seductive free spirit that roams the earth in search of true love

That woman is so cool, she is so Andria!

See ecclectic, spunky, jet setter, awesome, scuba


ann-DREE-uhh (n)

1. Sexy Beast

2. Another word for a 1920s hooker, or flapper

3. Is sometimes referred to as Albi the Racist Dragon

4. Basically the most radtastic kid on the block

5. Possibly the best thing since pre-grated cheese

6. Kristen's buddie. foeva. fersure.

7. The act of being a ninja

8. A shapeshifter

9. Another term for an awkward silent moment

10. Used for the time 12:32

11. The place under your bed

12. An excuse for being late because the Kleenex box exploded all over the bologna sandwich and the knife broke, then your teddy bear ate your homework, because you're white.

1. Boy: Dengg... She's such an Andria.

2. Girl: My grandmother was an Andria...

3. Geek: Did you see my new game, Dungeons and Andria's? *snort, snort*

4. Boy: The kid down my street is soo Andria.

5. Mom: Pre-grated cheese is the best.

Girl: Not anymore, now cupcakes are the Andria.

6. Kristen: Andria is so Andria.

7. Jackie Chan: Did you see that kid who went all Andria on your a...butt.

8. Chuck Norris: At night, I check my closet for Michael Phelps and Andrias, they're the worst.

9. Girl: I like you.

Boy: uhm... this is Andria.

10. Michael Phelps: Let's eat lunch... say... Andria o'clock?

11. Little Boy: I check Andria every night for monsters.

12. Student: I'm sorry Mrs. Covington, I had an Andria.

See bomb, cool, shiz, andrea, ninja, chuck norris, michael phelps


An Americanized Asian who loves to shop at Hollister. May be sarcastic and snobbish at times but is a sweetheart and has good morals and is most definitely not easy.

Guy 1- "Damn Andria is looking fine today."

Guy 2- "Yeah but she's never gonna give it to you, idiot."

See asian, hollister, sweetie, american, sarcastic


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