
What is Anis?


Anis means companion, best friend.

Someone who is totally reiable and trustworthy. It is not a term to be used lightly and you can only have one Anis in your life. It is like your soulmate, you lover. And i am grateful to God that i have my very own Anis


A word for a big ass guy with a big ass mole. It's the first thing you notice when you see "Anis".

"Woah did you see that guy's mole?"

"Yeah, he's an Anis!!!"

See anis, mole, big, ass, first


Aggravated Nipple Syndrome or ANIS. Unusually over-used nipples. Symptoms include chafing, chapping, and the occasional pustule. Some rare cases of ANIS have left the victim's nipples in an aroused state for months and are sometimes accompanied by a yellowish discharge with a pungent odor that has been compared to rotting fish. ANIS can cause elevated stress levels that typically cause the sufferer to flail their arms about in a pathetic attempt to scare the person or persons responsible for the onset of ANIS.

Barry has been fingering Bork's nipples so much it looks like he took a cheese grater to them, he definitely has ANIS.


A Wingless, Flightless, Featherless Bird. Its main form of transportation is the hovercraft.

"Theres an anis in that tree"

"how did it get up there?"

"With a hovercraft."

See anis, bird, wingless


you pee hole....both male and felmale have them....unless u dont pee

my anis is bleeding

See caitie


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