What is Anthropomorphic?
This word is any animal with human characteristics.
The popular PC Game Everquest, has many Anthrpomorphic characters in the game, such as a lion, and frog.
Giving a non human object human charactaristics.
While most of the time associated with the Furry Interet Sub-Culture, this could be basically applied to anything, such as trees and plants, rocks, general objects such as furniture, and even food.
Art or stories where characters contain a mixture of animal and human characteristics.
Most anthropomorphic characters walk on two legs, speak and often wear clothes. They are fantasy creatures.
They can exist on a spectrum from having almost all animal characteristics, with only a few human traits, or being almost all human with a few animal traits.
Some people in the
Bugs bunny dressed as a girl is anthropomorphic.
His anthropomorphic artwork is mainly about foxes wearing battle armor and set during the dark ages.
Sobek, the Ancient Egyptian god, is anthropomorphic, in that he is a man with a crocodile's head.
Literally means giving human characteristics to an inatimate object.
To VeronicaMartians, this word is the oh-so-clever word Logan gave to Van Clemens.
"Mr.Echolls, can I have a word?"
"Anthropomorphic. All yours big guy."