
What is Antifeminist?



1. One who rejects feminism (the ideology) not women (the gender)

2. One who believes in equal rights for both men and women

The antifeminist corrected the Women's Studies Lecturer on unequal payment for women, stating that such an assertion did not account for danger premiums, actual hours worked, paternity vs. maternity leave, retirement ages or lifestyle choices

See mra, activist, misandry, antimisandry, feminism


A person who denies that sexism exists and/or believes that women are inferior to men. These people claim that working towards gender equity is harmful to society.

Many students at Washington Univeristy protested the commencement speech of antifeminist author Phyllis Schlafly.

See feminism, feminist, mra, women, men, sexism, equality


1. A person who believes that since women can vote and this is a democracy then sexism no longer exists.

2. A person who believes that men are supposed to kill animals and women are supposed to make babies

I posted a story about rape on my blog and it was promptly overrun by antifeminist trolls.

See feminism, feminist, mra, women, men, sexism, equality, sexist, misandry


1. A man who can't get laid

2. A man who doesn't like the woman he's with

Some people say that raping infant girls is antifeminist, but in reality they deserve it because they're sluts. Have you seen the way they suck on those bottles?

See feminism, feminist, mra, women, men, sexism, equality, sexist, misandry


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