What is Anywhere But Here?
im amazed at how the author of this definition spends his/her time slating other peoples defititions (or lack of), only to offer their OPINION on this band (who no-one has heard of) as a FACT.
FACT...you are a twat.
OPINION...ABH are good.
"In my opinion, ABH are great.but i know, if we were to apply scientific rigour to this theory,we would quickly realise that it is utter bullshit.And all my opinions thereafter should be considered WRONG!"
the best band ever. made up of Dan Higby, Brian Squillace and Matthew Brame, they kick the shit out of any band out there. if you're in a band...kill yourself, cuz abh is better.
Dude! Did you hear about that fag in that terrible band that killed himself because Anywhere But Here is better than his band?!