
What is Apathetic?


Indifference towards people, things, and/or activities. Lack of emotion and lack of feeling, numbness.

His apathetic attitude made people think he was introvert.


I don't really care.

We can never really know, can we?

See Bookworm


Indifference towards the world; jaded personality; numb, uncaring attitude; could be described as what an emo person feels and acts like.

His outlook on the world was so apathetic, that it seemed like he no longer cared about anything.

See jaded, indifferent, apathy, emo, uncaring, numb


Someone who really doesn't give a darn.

Ok, I haven't been listenning. I'm apathetic about the whole subject.

See apathy, don't, give, a, damn


When you don't have emotion or don't show emotion. Indifferent, uncaring.

kid 1: Yay! A+! I'm excited!

Kid 2: Aww! I got a D. I'm sad.

Apathetic kid: *doesn't look at page and doesn't care*

See emo, uncaring, numb, indifferent, emotion, happy, feeling


some word from the emo song

dear diary, mood: apathetic

See dear, diary, apathetic, emo, hi, anticrombie


Means something, dunno what though, and to be fair who cares? I don't.

I would be apathetic but I can't be arsedd

See asdf, alsdf, ff


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