What is Arafat?
To semi-consciously linger in a slow and public death, much as Arafat himself did in late 2004.
I'll bet the Pope really Arafats it out when he goes.
Grandpa Arafatted all of his money away to the nursing home.
the former prime minister of the palestenian people.
who cares.
watch the news, will ya?
an arab like male. characterised with the need to control. some times referred to as 'arsefart'
will u stop being arafat, your not my father
See claudia
Arafat: An unhealthy overweght individual.
You Arafat lazy slob.
watch the news, will ya?
an arab like male. characterised with the need to control. some times referred to as 'arsefart'
will u stop being arafat, your not my father
Arafat: An unhealthy overweght individual.
You Arafat lazy slob.