Army Acronyms

What is Army Acronyms?


Funny acronyms and slangs used by American soldiers in wars.

Here is a list of the most popular army acronyms.

REMF - Rear-Echelon Motherfucker

ATFU - Ate The Fuck Up

DILLIGAFF - Do I Look Like I Give A Flying Fuck

FIDO - Fuck It. Drive On

FIIGMO - Fuck It, I've Got My Orders

FISHDO - Fuck It, Shit Happens

FM - Fucking Magic

FNG - Fucking New Guy

FOAD - Fuck Off And Die

FODA - Fuck Off and Die Asshole

FTA - Fuck The Army

FUBAR - Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition

FUBIJAR - Fuck You Buddy, I'm Just a Reservist

FUBB - Fucked Up Beyond Belief

FUBIS - Fuck You, Buddy, I'm Shipping

FUGAZI - Fucked-up, Got Ambushed, Zipped-In

FYB - Fuck Your Buddy

JAFO - Just Another Fucking Observer

JANFU - Joint Army-Navy Fuck-up

LLMF - Lost Like a Mother Fucker

NFG - No Fucking Good

NPGs - No Pussy Getters

BCD - Birth Control Device. Refers to army issue eyeglasses

PFC - Pointless Fucking Chevron, or Proud Fucking Civilian

PFM - Pure Fucking Magic

SOS - Same Old Shit

SNAFU - Situation Normal: All Fucked Up

SRDH - Shit Rolls Down Hill

SSDD - Same Shit, Different Day

SSND - Same Shit, New Day

SWAG - Scientific Wild-Ass Guess

SST - Shit-Sucking Truck, Slang for the vehicle used to remove human waste from the portable toilets.

S-FUS - Standard Fucked Up Situation

TARFU - Things Are Really Fucked Up

YMRASU - Yes, My Retarded Ass Signed Up (US Army backwards)

WTF - What The Fuck, said as "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot" on radio's

See remf, atfu, dilligaff, fido, fiigmo, fishdo, fm, fng, foad, foda, fta, fubar, fubijar, fubb, fugazi, fyb, jafo, janfu, llmf, nfg, npgs, bcd, pfc, pfm, sos, snafu, ssdd, swag, sst, tarfu, ymrasu, wtf, army, america, war, slang, funny, shit, motherfucker, fuck, world war, ww, Hojko


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