
What is Artsy?


1. Used to describe someone who likes and actively indulges in art.

2: Used to describe self: Defining ones identity by non-conformity to the standards of others. Ie: Conforming but with the illusion of integrity because ones standards are created from the notion of being "not theirs".

i.e., ones standards still depend the on opinions and choices of others.

1. "He's artsie!"

2. "I'm artsie."


One who not only enjoys the arts but also has a sense of style to reflect the scene (ex. indie style ties and wearing dress shirts for un dressy events) Also one who indulges in the Indie rock scene, visits contemporary art museums, and enjoys a concert at least once a week. Much like those in the "emo" scene but are not depressed all the time, they are too busy analyzing contemporary art

Oh Mr. Kimball is so artsy.

See Ibby


(adj) It describes one who is into aesthetics. It will be unjust to be given descriptions or specfics since art is too broad to be defined.

When the pianist performed his art filled with his explosive passion, the artsy child shooked and was filled with such an uncontrollable emotion, so strong that he was unable to hold back his tears.

The artsy boy sat outside of a café on an autumn day to study the busy world passing him by as he record his thoughts and ideas in a notebook.

See Ethan


1. Someone who indulges in the arts, don't talk about it much, have been interested in the general perception of "art" for a long time. They often don't feel the need to show off, and to be "artsy" someone else usually says so, because they would never refer to themselves as such. Usually wears a certain style of clothes, normally something seen as "indie" or "classy" (dress shirts and other formal attire for non-formal occasions) but doesn't think the following when he/she buys said attire:

"Will I look artsy enough" or "People will totally think I'm artsy when I buy this"

2. Basically the same thing only with a different mind set. Normally pretentious, meaningless and just used as another way to impress friends and other peers. They often only started once they got into junior high/high school, once they are exposed to the social climate and become self conscious. Basically, someone who thinks that they are cool because they can do an amateur impression of a joker and are in all the school plays. Someone who sees themselves as a nonconformist, when really they are conforming by being "artsy" or "indie". Also a hippie, who probably cares nothing about the environment or the starving children in Africa, but merely say so (despite not understanding anything about politics) because everyone else "does" and because they grew up in a bad, smelly environment. Normally listens to reggae and other hippie/artsy/indie songs to keep up their image. Also tends to break up into an even worse version of a song from said genres. When buying clothes they do think:

"Will I look artsy enough" or "People will totally think I'm artsy when I buy this"

Basically every single person in every junior high in Davis, California.


Guy/thing: Oh look at Shouji, he's so artsy

2. Jack: Why so serious?

See artsy, indie, hippie, joker, amateur, play, conformist, non conformist, loser, davis, california


an adjective used by many art students to describe their slutty behavior. Usually used in the context of nude pictures or slutty actions. It is a synonym for "slutty" and used to make slutty girls feel better about their actions.

"That picture isn't slutty, it's artsy!" (when referring to nude pictures being taken of a girl with tattoos that is obviously being used for non pure personal indulgences similar to that of playboy)

See slutty, skanky, tramp, strumpet


Not necessarily a person that indulges in artistic activities.

Artsy people may wear lots of brown, orange, and sometime dirty clothes; They can occasionally be referred to as "fugly" or "bitch", although not all artsy people are fugly or bitches.

Kid1: Check out that artsy girl over there!

Kid2: I think fugly is a better word for her.

Kid1: Yeah, you're right. I guess her ugly brown clothes just covered up her filth and repulsiveness.

See fugly, hippie, dirty, filthy, ugly


A corruption of art, in both verbal and visual form. People who use this term are apart of the trendy set and feel as though they do not have to adhere to proper grammatical syntax. It's also used by airhead bimbos because it's "uber kawaii".

Also see: fucktarted.

Dude: Dude, I am so artsy man!

Other guy: The fuck is artsy?

See artsy, blond, bimbo, trend, fad, hip, cool, art, visual


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