
What is Australia?


The best fuckin' country in the world, Australia, is also the only place where Christ could never have been born, as in Australia, you cannot find 3 wisemen and a virgin.

Ozzy! Ozzy! Ozzy! Oi! Oi! Oi!

Ozzy! = Australia!

See seedy


officially the greatest country in the world, and yes we can wear that title because we`re all the way down here so what the hell are you gonna do about it!?

yep australia is godzone


Australia is a country situated in between the Indian and Pacific Ocean in the Southern Hemisphere. Australia is the 6th largest country by land in the world, with a range of different climates from Dry deserts to Rainforests to Grasslands to Mountains. Australia was previously inhabited by Aboriginies and Torres Strait Islanders before it was overtaken by the British and made a colony. Most of Australia's Population live in Large Cities on it's coast, but is proud of it's small country towns and their culture. Officially voted the 3rd best Country in the world overall by the United Nations (after Sweden and Norway) Australia is just a great place.

"I live in Australia

See Bez


Ahhh....Australia. The Great Southern Land, Down Under, Terra Australis, Oz, The Better Version of New Zealand...

The world's biggest island and smallest continent, with the world's highest amount of sporting success per capita. Dryest inhabitated continent and the only country to occupy a whole continent. Sixth largest country in the world and the third least densely populated. The national occupations are drinking and sport, unsurprising given we're all descended from convicts.

Pom/Kiwi/Yank/Frog/pretty much anyother nationality: "Damn those Australians, they've beaten our cricket/football/swimming/hockey/most other sports under the sun team for the 456th time!"


best mother fucking country in the world. any mofos who think any different can burn in hell for all i care. best at most sports ( not including them american "sports" like baseball and poofball (oh wait gridiron)) we'll kick ur ass at cricket, AFL (best form of football on this earth) swimming (not a real sport) etc. we'll out drink you any day. our laid back attitude kicks ass. our military is one of the best trained in the world. dont judge us by our dickhead Politicians cause well all politicians are dickheads. any wayz Australia kicks ass FULLSTOP.

best country in the world

See 35acu 4 life


one of the best country's on earth

* a country that has the highest standards of living

* stable and growing economy

* smart educated people

* nice land, especially the beachs here

* not a power ego war starting country


australia is a great country with a diverse culture. good friendly people, good at almost every sport and one of the highest standards of living. nothing like america where they dont even have a proper health system.

australia spends thier money on important things like; education, health and employment where as america spends most of thier money on the military.

america is not such a great counrty.


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