
What is Australian?


Australian !!

yep. we were convicts.

yep. we do have cool accents.

yep. yanks do give us the shits.

yep. we are beer guzzling machines.

yep. we say do say matealot.

yep. we have perfect beaches.

Take the piss out of Australia, we dont care. People arent lining up to get out of our country.

" another VB thanks sheryl "



Australia is a very civilized country (contrary to what the simpsons may tell you) and a lot of it is not desert. Most of us don't say mate very often and most of us don't talk like steve irwin.

People are very misgueded about AUSTRALIANS


a person who is a citizen of Australia; a dinky die ridgy didge true blue fair dinkum dead set wanker

Yes, I'm an Australian, cobber - a dinky die ridgy didge true blue fair dinkum dead set wanker. Welcome to the land down under.

See australia, true blue, fair dinkum, dead set, yorrick hunt


People who are citizens of Australia, one of the best countrys in the world.

Australians have been stereotyped as a lazy, kangaroo riding, annoying group with crappy accents. NOT TRUE!

But we dont care if people take the piss out of us. People are lining up to come in, that must mean something!

Australians are an awesome bunch. Except for that dude John Howard, we should get rid of him.


The nationality belonging to someone with citizenship in the country of Australia.

Commonly stereotyped by the likes of The Simpsons, Monty Python and teenagers, as having thick accents, riding around in kangaroos all day and having little to no infrastructure, living out in the desert.

Australia is home to many fine cities, including Melbourne which was allegedly awarded the "world's most livable city" title at some point recently.

Derek: yo baxter, check out this australian dude

Baxter: i say old chap, he's quite the commoner, with his khaki rags.

Bruce: G'day, do you blokes know a good place to eat?

Baxter: ah yes, there's one near here. it's down the street, take a ha'penny and follow the locomotive track.

Derek: yo.


Ok people after reading most of these posts I have come to the conclusion that they are either too bias towards Australia(ns) or they are just filled with racial hate and in the worst cases both. So here's what I think a true Australian is and I'm trying to not be racist or anything (Btw I was born, raised and live in Australia so before you dare start going on about “You don’t live in Australia so you don’t know shit” just swallow that fact damnit.).

First off, for God's sake please stop using "down under/Australia" as a term to describe genitalia; please be more creative or just say oral sex rather then an Australian kiss.

Second, it is true that, by rite of origin, that Aborigines are 'true Australians'. They indigenous to Australia, are still to this day being treated unfairly and by God deserve more respect and basic human rights then what they have been given.

Third, with the convicts coming to Australia and that whole Mother-land versus Aborigines, Australia versus Mother-land sha-bang went down, most other countries (mainly America but that is only due to the fact that they only really have fucking Dundee and Irwin as examples of Australians, and Simpsons) assume that the typical Australian is white, rides around in a kangaroo, drinks a lot of beer, is lazy, is dumb, speaks like Steve Irwin (RIP) and is an all round brute. This is so wrong it makes me sick (although I am ashamed to admit that the drinking part is true =w=”)! The point of the modern Australia was to be multi-cultural and a place where your nationality counts for not, you can still call yourself Australian. C'mon people, we Aussies have a fucking song that fucking says: "And from all the lands on Earth we come. We share one dream and sing with one voice. I am, you are, we are Australian." So before anymore people who fancy themselves as “Aussie” then bags out the “chinks” by saying that they’re not Australian or any other nationality for that matter, do a fucking history and ethics lesson you racist fuck.

A true Australian doesn't have to be white, doesn't have to be Aboriginal and doesn't have to act like a stereotype so well embedded in pop culture. To be Australian is more so a fucking way of living rather or ideal then a type of person. We Australians, the people who should be true Australians, should fucking be laid back, come from whatever fucking country they come from, love a good time, and most importantly give everyone a FAIR GO (I know that’s kinda taken from Kevin Rudd who knocked Howard off-thank God!- but he has a point y’know)! It’s just a pity we have racists and bigots here, then again what country doesn’t. So stop with this pommy bashing, New Zealander bashing (we all secretly love you, just not when it comes to sport, you understand XP), America bashing etc!

We are on, but we are many, and from all the lands on Earth we come, we share a dream, and sing with one voice; I am, you are, we are Australian.

See australians, ignorant, biggot, racist, australia


Australia was a rich country filled with very unique flora and fauna such as the megafauna but the invasion of the English saw a lot of the native fauna killed, including the aboriginals, Now there are less than 4% authentic aboriginals left in the country and that is being generous.

The Howard administration saw a lot of Australian's turn to trade job's to fuel the production industry. Australia, although being mostly desert has a strong industrial side with the majority of the population working in factories or similar. The Rudd administration will see a large influx of immigration and a further emphasis on education, instead of old people and 'grunt' jobs.

Globalisation has had a dramatic effect on Australia. The food we eat for example mainly consist of export from America and Coles Myer (an American company) making our main foods; pies, pasties, hot dogs and hamburger as well as Coca Cola leading to a huge increase in obesity.

Figures have been stated that less than 50% of Australian's would have a high education. Australia is a highly Anglo-Saxon religious country. This is coming from a 13th generation Australian.


Watch Today Tonight or read a newspaper.

See aussie, bogan, white trash, redneck


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