
What is Autistic?


The cause of autism is unknown, but studies show that people with autism have larger brains than normal.

There are different kinds of autism. Low functioning, middle functioning and high functioning.

Some of the lower functioning people with autism have the intelligence of a baby, in which they can only scream, grab at your shirt, drool, and do other baby type stuff.

However, there are people that are autistic that are very smart, such as Bill Gates.

To people that generalize autistic kids as retarded, be quiet, because you're probably using Windows.

See Alexi


not something to be laughed about, as autism is a real disorder, and it affects roughly 1 out of every 160 or so children, and there are also millions of adults and children living with it today.

There is no cure, but with research centers like the Autism Society of The Quad Cities (Iowa/Illinois), the Autism Society of North Carolina, the National Institute of Mental Health, the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, and the Center for the Study of Autism, there is hope in the future for a cure for this disorder in which a person has social difficulties, demands a predictable environment, has things that they are ultimately irritated by, and other characteristics and symptoms associated with this disorder. There are also milder forms of this mental/emotional condition (See Asperger's Syndrome)

To better understand autistic people and the disorder of Autism in general, many people need to open their minds and quit being judgemental towards people that have this. Autism is a serious condition, and it is something that should have a lot more consideration and understanding.

See Radical Republican


A way of being for a person with autism. Autism is not a disease. A lot of people feel desperately sorry for autistic people, and look for a cure, because autistics find empathising/conversing difficult. Many autistics are good at other things such as maths/physics, and rembering lots of information. Around 1 in 10 autistics show savantabilities, which may mean they can do VERY fast maths, or play a song they've heard once on a musical instrument without tution, and a variety of others.

A lot of people are oblivious to the concept of autistic adults, only thinking of autism being about children. This is not the case and many autistic adults (such as myself) have jobs and contribute to society like everyone else, and they are not always "high functioning".

Some Autistic people want to be cured, and that's fine if it's what they really want.

However, there are plenty of autistic people who would rather not edit themselves to conform to society's narrow defintion of "normal", of which I am one. The vast majority of people know nothing about autistic people who are HAPPY the way they are, which is a shame.

Pro-sure: "Oh look at that poor autistic child, his life must be so awful because he's different."

Anti-cure: "It's very likely Einstein was autistic, as well as a whole host of other people throughout history. How about appreciating autistic people for they are, not who you wish they were?"

See child, autism, disease, cure, savant


Describing autistic people in terms of functioning levels is controversial. Some children are labeled as low functioning because of a speech delay, but they later learn to communicate and turn out to be intelligent.

Albert Einstein, who was confirmed to have been autistic by an autopsy of his brain structure, did not talk until he was five years old.


I don't know much about the technicals of autism. I do know some autistic kids personally. The ones I know usually socially isolate themselves to some extent. Some autistic kids are remarkably skilled in some area, and know a lot about things that someone would find very confusing.

My best friend's brother is autistic. He is socially awkward but he can name every country in the world and all the components of his computer with a description of their functions off the top of his head.

I knew another autistic kid who was amazingly awesome at street fighter for snes.


A person with autism

Although I'm autistic, I will be graduating from college next month, and I know alot about music.

See music, college, know, weird, impressive


That which pertains to persons gifted, or the gifts themselves--of focus, imagination, non-conformity, and profound observation.

Toss a pebble onto a list of names of people throughout history whose great intellectual works have altered humanity's trajectory, and it will land on someone whom was likely autistic.

See autism, asperger's, asd, autie, aspie


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