
What is Averager?


A person typically between the ages of 15-30, of middle to upper middle economic class, whose values, interests, sense of humor, and outward appearance relentlessly conform to their immediate culture's norms of popularity. An averager's interests will change only to the extent that the most common fads and fashions within their age group change, and features of themselves that don't match these widespread norms are hidden away publically and forcibly repressed psychologically.

Preferences and ideas that are not abundantly average/popular are immediately and outwardly valued as inferior, amazingly without any application of rational thought on the averager's part. Critical thinking skills are notoriously lacking, but if the image of being a "critical thinker" is popular, they will pay lip service to their critical thinking skills to their peers.

The primary goal of an averager is to look, act, and think exactly like the centralized average group of people within their basic age group while demonizing and putting down non-averagers.

"Ugh! Let's leave. This bar couldn't have more averagers."

"Don't join that frat! Look who's in it! It's just one averager after another."

See prep, yuppie, jock, preppie, preppy


(n.): A person or thing that is disgustingly average. Not exceptional or detestable in any way, shape, or form.

That latte from Starbucks is so bland, it's their averager on the menu.


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