Awesome Possum

What is Awesome Possum?


Interjection. Similar to: alrighty, awesome, schweet, coolz.

Mild & amiable in tone. Used in affirmation, agreement, or as a pleased reaction to something.

Often used as a reply to the word "awesome."

Brad: Want to go into the creepy haunted house with me?

Janet. Sure.

Brad: Awesome.

Janet: Awesome possum.


Varient of Wicked-Awesome. A phrase that is uttered by the hip and cool.

PSO cordinators are awesome possum.

That is an awesome possum cubical you have.

See wicked awesome, awesome, rad, neat, cool


Meaning really, really neat, most of the time very unusal/unique ;There is awesome, then there is awesome possum!

Fred: Sup' my man?

Bob: Turns out Rob Zombie is my dad

Fred: Awesome Possum

See really, awesome, possum, cool, kewl, neat, shocking


1. An term of exclamation, generally used when something totally cool happens (e.g. a kid accidentally lights himself on fire, an old lady falls down, or a drunk guy gets knoked out cold)

2. archaic What pilgrims would say after sex

see also Right on Saigon

You: "That pilgrim just got punched in the gut by an old lady!"

Me: "Awesome possum!"


Worst Sonic the Hedgehog clone ever. Don't even bother trying to find any gameplay in this rotten pile of dogshit.

Upon first playing Awesome Possum, I wanted to heave myself off of a very tall building and hopefully catch my eyelid on a nail.


A phrase equivalent to "spiffy" or "neat." It is best used as a sentence by itself or with "yo" immediately following.

Awesome possum, yo!

See Vertigo


combination of the word "awesome" and "possum"!

text message: "hey, my wedding date is on june 26th, mark your calendar"

reply: "awesome possum"

See awesome possum, greeting, message, cool, names


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