
What is Beastie?


To be beastie: to be extraordinarily spontaneous, rowdy, full of energy.

Let's be beastie and drive to the city tonight.

See Smells


1) (v.) To act crazy, outlandish, outrageous, stupidor retarded.

2) (adj.) Of or having the quality or flavor of the Beastie Boys lyrics, humor, or style (i.e. having sarcastic or biting humor, a flippant attitude, use of obscure cultural references, quoting or wearing kitschy and outlandish phrases or styles).

Yo, dawg, dem lyrics is Beastie, yo!

Derek got all beastie and saved his head like MCA.

Qwame gets all beastie when he drinks Brass Monkey 'cuz he gets retardedand up peoples faces.

See stupid, crazy, outlandish, retarded, kitschy, flippant, biting, sarcastic, ill, illin', brass monkey, beast, mca, adrock, sabotage, hello nasty, intergalactic, cookie puss, white castle, brooklyn, party, girls, eggman


Scottish word for a small animal such as a mouse or an insect.

Jings! Whit was that?

It was a wee beastie!

See beastie, beast, animal, mouse, jings, crivvens, and, help, ma, boab


Stands for: Boys Entering Anarchistic State Towards Internal Excellence

From the Beastie Boys

No Example Needed, Buddy.


term used for best friend or groupie who really catches your eyes. lovable people you want to hang with,; someone you pig out and sleep over with. Someone who you share secrets and winks with

"Hey, you wanna go to my house?," says Annie.

"Of course! You're my beastie!" Karen replies.

See best friend, groupie, homey, my girl


Someone who is really cool, or an absolute beast. Someone who is really good at something. "A legend"

Can be spelt beasty

Also used as beasty boy.

John's an absolute beastie.

He's a beast at football.

See beasty, beast, legend, cool, hardcore


The act of performing a simulated orgasim on a cat in heat using a q-tip.

I had to give my cat a beastie because she wouldnt stop howling all night.

You know you love your cat, when you are willing to give your cat a beastie.

See beastie, beastified, bested


The act of performing a simulated orgasim on a cat in heat using a q-tip.

I had to give my cat a beastie because she wouldnt stop howling all night.

You know you love your cat, when you are willing to give your cat a beastie.

See beastie, beastified, bested


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