Beaver Boy

What is Beaver Boy?


A boy with rediculously large two front teeth. Often insecure about himself so he *her in the case of beaver girl* makes fun of other people, most notably tall people.

"Beaver Boy, no one loves you, piss off."

See beaver, boy, piss, off


a man who is pussy whipped

JOHN went to HArvard and works wallstreet but he is a BEAVER BOY his wife tells him what to do

See vagina, pussy, pussy whipped, cooter, cooch


A superhero derived from a love of Beavers. Growing up with beavers ensured beaver boys talented superhero skills, beaver like features and love for beavers. (He is often teamed up with his fellow sexual superhero, Llama Lady.) Together they fight their evil nemesis, Goat Girl! Damn her and her goatee!

Look, it's beaver boy!

He can chew through almost ANYTHING!

See beaver, boy, llama, lady, superhero


A wild crossbreed animal. Typically coming from a female mother and beaver father. Often makes uncontrollable noises, and builds dams with household objects. Also known to cause forest fires through excessive smoking and dipping. Can sometimes drown in their own beer. Usually pass out before all other accompanying animals. 9 times out of 10 the beaver forgets the entire night and cannot recall his wild, tragic events. Because of the beaver's unconventional upbringing, there is often severe destruction at hand.

Person 1: Damn that beaver boy is going wild.

Person: Hes such a fuckin beaver!

See beaver, boy, wild, beer, smoking


James Lee Bridle is known as beaver boy coz he's got teeth that are big than bugs bunnys

one day beaver boy walked through a forest. as he walked he walked he saw a shadow. he went to investigate and got bummed by mr wild


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