What is Beeftits?
A kid with large man boobs that attends many LAN parties and plays way to much WOW. He sometimes wears a shirt that says game. And looks like the kid from the numa numa dance. Oh yeah and also hacks on counterstrike
Wow Beeftits is definatly hacking.
Very large and unattractive breasts. Usually found on 'hefer' like women in excess of 250 pounds. Beef tits are large flabs of flesh that pancake and hang uselessly against the body of the horribly unattractive woman they are attached to. They typically have large stretched out nipples that are about the size of a CD, and allthough I've never come into contact with any, I reckon they stink! (due to the fact that the woman cannot lift them to clean under them properly)
Holy fuck that fat cow of a woman has some huge "beeftits"