
What is Beermosa?


Excellent blue-collar breakfast cocktail, consisting of orange juice and beer. Best prepared with light, American style lager beer (i.e. PBR, High Life etc). Especially popular with post-punk, hipsters.

"Let's drink some beermosa's and then go get brunch at The Chicago Diner."

See beer, orange juice, brunch, blue-collar


white trash version of the breakfast cocktail, the mimosa. made by mixing high life, the champagne of beers, with OJ.

damn, the beermosa is disgusting.

See Pags


Beer for breakfast.

You want a little beermosa with your steak and eggs.

See mimosa, breakfast beer, morning brew


A breakfast drink made by mixing beer (best is lager, like Corona or Beck's) and grapefruit juice.

Dude we had breakfast alert over at Louis' diner we ordered beer, grapefruit juice, and an extra glass to mix the beermosas.

See beermosa, mimosa, breakfast, drink, beer


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