What is Beq?
the magic word used when a conversation between two people via chatting (or SMS) is dying out, in order to liven it up.
Statistics show it has a 77.35% success rate.
Person 1:
Person 2:
Person 1:
Person 2:
Person 1:
Person 2:
Person 1:
Person 2:
Person 1:
Person 2:
Person 1:
Person 2:
Person 1: beq
Person 2: huh?
Person 1: beq
Person 2: whats beq?
Person 1: you dont know beq?
Person 2: no..
its th magic word you use when you are bored to liven up a conversation
17:45] A.-: beq
17:45 kidette: beq?ha?
17:45 A.-: lol
17:45 A.-: you dont know that??
17:46 kidette: because...?
17:46 A.-: no thats bec
17:46 kidette: oh right
17:46 kidette: and beq is..?
17:46 kidette: naw w8 i'll find it
17:47 kidette: beq isn't defined yet.
17:47 kidette: wwwhooooahhh
17:47 A.-: whaaaat?
17:47 kidette: ok
17:48 kidette: what IS beq?
17:48] A.-: its th magic word you use when you are bored to liven up a conversation
17:49 A.-: and it did work
17:49 kidette: oh