What is Better Insert The Cock Here?


B.I.T.C.H - A phrase you say to or about a woman who's stuck up, full of herself, or just plain pissy and bitchy. Pick an orifice, any orifice and insert cock. She apparently needs it. It also refers to a woman who's so dumb as to serve no other purpose except as a receptacle for a man.

Cynthia: "You're such an asshole, Dan! Why do I even talk to you!? I could do so much better even on my worst day. Get lost, loser!"

Dan: "Better insert the cock here."

Caitlin Upton: "I personally believe that US Americans are unable to do so because some people out there in our nation don't have maps... everywhere like such as..."

Me: "Beter Insert The Cock Here..."

See cock, bitch, cunt, dumb, useless


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