Bible Humper

What is Bible Humper?


someone who worships the bible and is so into it that they dry hump it late at night tryin to get off listenin to steve winwood

Alter boy:man i feel really weird around paster fuzz i think he might molest me.

Alter boy 2:dont worry hes a bible humper.

alter boy 1: ok thank god

See heiser


A Christian religious fanatic, commonly seen in Georgia or other parts of the Bible Belt. Bible Humpers love the Bible, so they hump it.

Bible Humper - "Go to church or go to hell. I'm trying to save you."

Sane person - "Shut up Bible Humper."


see bible humping.

Forrest: A bible humper is getting with my sister. My parents think they are doing bible studies behind those bedroom doors.

See bible humping, bible dumping, bible dumper, dating, christianity, christian


A girl or boy who have restrained themselves from sexual relations because they are religious that they have so much pent up sexual frusteration that they resort to other methods of sexual release. EXAMPLES: Backrubs, play wrestling, pool chicken fighting.

Matt was trying to tackle me all night at youth group, he is such a Bible humper.

See Peach


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