Biffle Ball

What is Biffle Ball?


a person who meets each of the following requirements in another person's life (their BiFfLe ball)

1. you are best friend deluxes

2. you are in a heterosexual, romantic, sexual and loving relationship

3. you live on the same street

4. you have at least one class together

5. you were in the same kindergarten class

6. you kiss each other (and more)

7. you initially disagree on politics (but are slowly beginning to agree on different views)

8. you begin to find an interest in something the other person loves

9. you hangout at least five times a week

10. you wrestle

Hey, that girl in my class over there who lives on the same street as me, is my girlfriend, is in my kindergarten class picture just disagreed with me on our current president's policy, then she kissed me, fucked me, made plans with me for the entire weekend, started running track, wrestled me AND copied my homework... she must be my BiFfLe ball!

See biffle, ball, bff, biff


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