What is Big Steaming Pile O'shit?


Freshly dropped fecal matter from ones bowels :

An object you want to leave on your kiss ass co-workers desk after he / she steals your idea and gives it to the boss as their own:

That creamy brown stuff you step in as a kid when you dad makes you de-poop the back yard.

Who left that big steaming pile o'shit in the toilet?

Dude, thats a big steaming pile o' shit you left on your co-workers desk.

Your colonge smells like a big steaming pile o' shit.

See shit, anal, poop, poopie, poopy, rectum, steamy, sick shit, big o


Something Of Terrible Quality

Dude, this Creed Album is a big steaming pile o'shit

See shit, crap, garbage, steaming, shite


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