Bi-polar Bear

What is Bi-polar Bear?


1. (adj) a person who has bi-polar disorder but who is also really, really adorable.

2. (n) a Bi-sexual polar bear

"Joe is my bi-polar bear. He may be crazy but I love him so much!"

"Oooh there I've spotted the rare bi-polar bear. Bi people are greedy. It's like pick a damn side and stay there."

See bi-polar, bipolar, bi-polar bear, bipolar bear, polar bear, bear, polar, bi


a bear with a split the antarctic. it can be contrasted with a dandy lion. happy in the jungle.

Penguin #1: why is that bear so depressed? he was so happy an hour ago.

Penguin #2: dude, he's a bi-polar bear.

Lion: i love it here in the jungle.

Tiger: yeah everything is so happy.

Lion: i'd hate to live in the antarctic, i'd get so paranoid. like, everything is white and blends in.

Tiger: the animals there don't know how to deal with it.

Lion: what, like, they're bi-polar?

Tiger: bears.

See bi, polar, bipolar, bear, bears, antarctic, depressed, happy, jungle


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