What is Blocher, Kakker, Schnorrer?


An irresponsible and garrulous busybody who constantly offers unsolicited and self-serving advice and suggestions. The blocher/kakker/schnorrer is spring-loaded to invite himself (or herself) (un-invited) into one's life, usually with overtones of boisterous dependancy, implying that his (or her) hapless host has obligations to include him (or her) in a variety of activities in which someone else will pay the bill. As an invited (even if self-invited) guest, the blocher/kakker/schorrer will behave as a flamboyant and irresponsibly generous host... until the bill is presented, at which time he (or she) will demonstrate virtuso skill at check-fumbling.

He or she is a blocher/kakker/schnorrer who, unless driven off by relentless whacks with a stick, will disembowel the vitals of another's life. See my definition of "greaseball" to flesh out the picture more fully. To get the straight scoop on just about everything.

See squarf


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