What is Blood Gang Also Known As Bk Slobs?


A street gang originated in Los Angeles California bkack in the late 60's to defend against the crip gang because the crips were bkeating there ass every single day. Now sets are located nationwide bkut dying everyday.Most Bkloods are fake and scared of the westside 107 Hoover Criminal gang the most dangerous gang and ruthless in the word.The BKloods wear dead bkandanas to the right.Slobks stay lokey bkecause there scared of the Hoover Groover slobk removers.

The first definition for Bklood bkack in 1969 when the first five non crip sets were being formed by T. Rogers was Black Liberation Organization Of Defense.The Slobs are the weakest gang in America.The also have they're on fast food resturant called Burger King.The Bkloods are also known as oo-lobs,Slobs,Blobs,flood,Bkillaz,and fluid.

Blood Gang also known as BK Slobs B stands for Bitches.Most slobs are fake.

See bloods, slobs, bk, flood, fluid


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