What is Bogdan?
A tall, peaceful mother fuka(1). Looks weak and likes panzie soccer. Likes math but keeps it real with his hoez. Afraid of snakes and playa hataz(2). Likes class in women(3). Drinking before clubs is a must for him. Doesn't underestimate the predictability of stupidity(4). He thinks Romanians are the shit but he'z wrong. They're probably not. Preposterously sociable, aiight? 1/3 of his life revolves around music and that's cool...fukin fairy. Confident but self doubtful. Respects his enemies(5). Greatest fight within himself.
(1) "I like you. You like me?"
(2) "I'm a peace keepa but I have my goddam limits"
(3)"Nice shoez, wanna fuk?"
(4)"Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity."
(5)"Don't be diiiisin ME"
very sexy dark guy with nice buff arms =)
mmhhmmmm cant take ur eyes off
third member of the t-conian gang. he's LARGER THAN LIFE when compared to his lil bro. he smells good though, that's the only reason y anyone would ever hang out with a Bogdan. he should go back to Romania! he never calls anyone...do they not have telephones in ROMANIA????!!!!
stupid whore boy Bogdan is going for a dip in the lake
What a perfect bogdan!
a fukin annoying piece or shit with red hair. and always thinks of gay stuff
bogdan says "he guys, lets play, bum chasy or even better! which dad touches u more"
a bloody hairy Romanian fuckhead in fort street who thinks he's tough since he's so tall
preferred weapon: railgun-- his tough body is no match for your set of uranium slugs
What a Madcunt