Bond University

What is Bond University?






Person 1: I failed all my courses but daddy bought be a degree at bond University

Person 2: I pwnd up my courses and got a degree without paying anything upfront

See bond, university, tafe, fraud


Elitist university on the Gold Coast, Australia. Devoid of communist dogma and concrete like UQ, QUTand Griffith, Bond was founded by convicted fraudster Alan Bond in 1987, a legacy secretly held strong by graduating students today. It is the most expensive university in Australia and couldn't care less as students proudly get what they pay for.

"Oh you're at uni? 'Getting smarter' at Griffith University?"

"Griffith? See the Polo? See the BMW? I don't go to any PUBLIC uni! I go to Bond University, bitch!"

"Bondies: My Dads your Dad's boss and one day I'll be your boss too!"

See ambition, life, business, law, capitalist, expensive


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